How Old Is Your Quilt?
May 2, 2024Ol’ Iron Rundown
May 15, 2024June 9
Broadway Street Revival with Mercer Ministerial Association (7-10 pm, West Broadway St.)
June 10
Broadway Street Revival with Mercer Ministerial Association (7-10 pm, West Broadway St.)
June 11
Broadway Street Revival with Mercer Ministerial Association (7-10 pm, West Broadway St.)
Premiere of Michael Breeding's new documentary, The Harrodsburg Legacy: 250 Years in the Making (7:00 pm, Mercer County High School, 1124 Moberly Road)
June 12
Old Fashioned Camp Meeting, sponsored by the African American Historical Society (7:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
June 14
Jane Coomes, portrayed by Allison Dorty (10:00 am, Fort Harrod)
Guided Walking Tour: Historic Downtown Churches (11:00 am, 220 S. Chiles)
Gallery Talk & Exhibit Opening, "Threads of the Revolution" (11:00 am, Fort Harrod)
Tea with health care leader Anna Elliott Bohon, portrayed by Annie Denny (12:00 pm, 220 S. Chiles)
Picnic in the Park with live music by Jon Hagee (12:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Pioneer Cooking with Monica Martin (1:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Tea with the Queen of Bohemia, Zoe Anderson Norris, author & social reformer, presented by Eve Kahn (2:00 pm, 220 S. Chiles)
Flag Day, flag retirement ceremony by the S.A.R. (2:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
African Americans of Mercer County, book signing with Anna White (3:00 pm, 220 S. Chiles)
Native Captives with Jon Hagee (3:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Children's games of the 19th century (3:00 pm, 220 S. Chiles)
Tea is for Treason with Pam Eddy (4:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Tea with James Harrod, portrayed by Ken Hill (5:00 pm, 220 S. Chiles)
State Naturalist Robert Myers (5:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Juneteenth Celebration, sponsored by the African American Historical Society (5:00 pm, West Lane Park)
Music by Green River Band (6:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Music by J. D. Shelburne (6:30 pm, Main St.)
Banquet for the Ragged Edge Klub at Beaumont Inn [reservation required, $35, 859-325-9028] with presentation about Zoe Anderson Norris by Eve Kahn
The Trial of James Bridges, a play. Bridges was accused of murdering James Harrod on a hunting trip. (7:00 pm, Mercer County Fiscal Court, 207 W. Lexington)
Ghost Walk with David Brantley (8:00 p,, 220 S. Chiles)
Council Fire in Native Camp (8:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Music by Noah Thompson (8:00 pm, Main St.)
Music by Runaway June (9:30 pm, Main St.)
June 16
Reenactor encampment (All day, Fort Harrod)
Church service at Old Mud Meeting House; tour of cemetery (Reservation recommended, limited seating. 10:00 am, 720 Dry Branch Rd. [CR 1915])
Church service with Don Drewry (10:00 am, Fort Harrod)
S.A.R. ceremony honoring veterans at Old Mud Meeting House cemetery (11:30 am, 720 Dry Branch Rd., [CR 1915])
The Grinnin' Possum: poetry & old time music with Maurice Manning (Old Mud Meeting House)
Laundry on the Frontier, with Sam Powell (12:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Pioneer Cooking, with Monica Martin (12:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Daniel Boone, with Steven Caudill (1:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Showing of Michael Breeding's new documentary The Harrodsburg Legacy: 250 Years in the Making (2:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Speakers (3:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Burial of Time Capsule (3:45 pm, Fort Harrod)
Recognition of contest winners and dignitaries (4:00 pm, Fort Harrod)
Songs by Community Chorus (4:15 pm)
Native Flute Music by Fred Keams (4:25, Fort Harrod)
Harrodsburg Birthday Cake (4:45 pm, Fort Harrod)