Searching for Hidden Figures of History
May 3, 2023Gardens to Gables Presentation
July 24, 2023History of the Mercer County Extension Office
Tuesday, July 11, 7:00 PM
Morgan Row, 220 S. Chiles St.
Refreshments will be served.
Linda McClanahan, Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources, will talk about the history and services of the Mercer County Cooperative Extension Service, which is provided by the University of Kentucky and Kentucky State University. The Extension Office has programs in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Science, Horticulture, Community and Economic Development, Nutrition Education, and leads the 4H Club.
The University of Kentucky started its Agricultural Extension Service in 1910, one of the first in the nation. It was the model for other extension services mandated by the Smith-Morrill Act of 1914.